Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Kngoak Flower

It has two kinds of this flower; one is big and other one is small. Below flower is small one and there are only two colors like you see. Its name is Kngoak flower.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

White Little Flower

Becoming blossom on raining season, all flowers will look more beautiful and full of catching interest from bee or butterfly. It's like the beauty of adult girl which get interest from man. So compare to this, some beauty has hidden from nature or human. To figure it out, you should look all around you even the small part near your step. I like this kind of beauty. It's simplify that this kind of countryside flower is the most beautiful flower.

Angel Bell Flower

It's look like angel bell so I called this flower is Bell Flower. It look really beautiful with it shape. I also surprised when I first saw it in neighbor's house. And many flowers were there, only one kind with full of garden. If look from far place, you will not notice that the flower's shape is look like bell but just gotten close, you will see its beautiful.

Smao Flower

When we touch this plant, its leaf will be hold down immediately. And we can wait about 10 minutes, it will be in the same as normal. When I was little, I always visited my cousin at my mom's hometown. And we always walked around the village and those plants were on the road so we played with it till we were tired and then go back home.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tree Mushroom

It's a small part of the nature. If we don't notice it, we will past it by their own way. But eventually, It grow well in the raining season on the dead tree which very small shape. Accidentally, I has found it near my cousin's house at countryside.


With good smell and can be more delicious when you put it in Fish soup with lemon or again with steam Prohok^^.  When I wrote something related to food, It made me feel hungry and swallow so often. Mango salad and Cambodian snack (Bach Cheay) is also fit the taste. You're easy to find it at anywhere in Cambodia.

Por Peay Flower

It's kind of vegetable flower. In Cambodian language call Por Peay, which we used to eat with Prohok or can be fry with beef. Next time I will post the fruit of it. It's kinda taste better if you eat when it is fresh with Prohok cook with pork.

Cambodian Traditional Cooker

Cambodian traditional cooker. Now a day, in city people changed to use cooker with gas but still people in the countryside used traditional cooker. It's easy for using but it used a lot of wood to make it burn. In my house has it too. I like cook with it ( I don't prefer gas because it's dangerous for us) and make food more delicious with good smell.  


The most beautiful thing after raining with flower is butterfly. I has waited this butterfly to drop someplace for take its photo but actually because it always flied away so I can took when it stop on the land but it also became more beautiful with its wing and color.

Bass flower

Climbing Plant: Becoming delicious for cooking. Cambodian people use their leaf to cook in soup and their fruit use for dessert. Mostly, there is white flower with green fruit and when it become mature, the fruit will become red. And the green fruit we use for dessert during flood season (Maybe around November or December).

Broteal 4 teis flower

It is bigger than the yellow flower and there are not many, just around four or five flower in one branch.

Broteal 8 teis flower

I can recommend you to take good photo of nature, you need to take it after raining or being shining. It will be show the pretty view and look fresh. I took this photo after raining and the result came out was very good even I used phone camera. I feel satisfied with all of photo I did. And without editing in PhotoShop all photo look good and nature.


Eggplant: This kind of eggplant is very delicious to cook with Cambodian Prohok. It is small and round shape with white-green color.

Cambodian wild crab

Tank Crab: It run very fast when we got near them but if we caught and than cook it, it would be the delicious Cambodian food. Sour papaya crab soup is the delicious Cambodian countryside food. This one has only one hand but it is very brave and not scare of us. When I and my sister went near it, it were not escape from us but just stand and look at us took its photo. After I finished taking photo so suddenly it ran away. My little sister, she like this photo so much.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Ping Ping & Pong Pong: I met them when I visited my relatives' house. Because it was rain so it was a little bit cold, so they slept together and look cute. After they saw us, they started to cry because they were hungry, but actually, it is difficult to get near them because they got scare when they saw us. The middle photo is Ping Ping and the last is Pong Pong.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


It is fresh after raining. You can see the rain drop with it. The papaya flower, even the tree still medium but actually it can produce flower to get fruit for eating with natural.

Moto Taxi

This Moto Taxi is rarely seen in Cambodia. But I just saw it the first time near my work place, it look cute and feel comfortable. The owner took it to repair, maybe they want to use it again^^

Friday, October 5, 2012

Bouk Kor Mountain

My family and I visited Bouk Kor Mountain during it has raining. So there are a little bit difficult on the way go to the top of mountain. There are mist and cold.


Wild tomatoes

The little round yellow color is the wild tomatoes which we can eat when it become yellow. Normally, when it's still green, children like to use it for vegetable playing to sell with each other but when it become yellow we can eat it. When it is green, it has something to cover it to protect the fruit but when it's mature, it will lost the cover.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Chinese red flower

After raining in early morning, all drops on the flower or tree it would be very beautiful thing and fresh. I really like this kind of thing.