Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Long Bean

I have took this photo since I did volunteer work with Korean Uni Student. We went to visited one organization and did education with labor work.

In the Labor, we decided to plant Long Bean. So before we plant long bean, we need to do land arrangement. It was the hard working because we dug out the land to make the line to make space for them growing well. This picture was taken after planted it two day. The chemical product is very growing fast.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Cambodia Watermelon

It is family watermelon farming because they did not sell it. They just prefer to farm for their family and relatives. So they decided to planted without using chemical. And the result, watermelon has small size than market watermelon selling. But it is really delicious because of the meat has contain sweet and fresh smell even the skin is a little bit thick.

You can see picture below. It is look very fresh and delicious&.& Yummy^^

Small Mushroom

It is mush be not so clear, But I really want to post it because it is one kind of very small mushroom which we can step on if we can't see them. It look like very easy to grow and if there is one of them growing so there will be many of them start to grow nearby each other. it is similar to the pin or metal nail.

Hmm...I think my camera quality is now so low. So I need to update it.
In this photo, it is a little bit blur because of focus point.


This mushroom, I have seen when I and my relatives went to watermelon field. I saw it just only one and I did not know its name neither. I wondered that this mushroom can eat or it contains poison. Actually, it is really weak because it can't stand alone without grass supporting. When I pulled out the grass nearby, it went falling down. And at the same time, I saw other kind of mushroom. there are very small mushroom around watermelon field.