Saturday, July 2, 2022

Campe side view

Early morning at campe side view.

I wish to go there again someday after finish my busy schedule. Such a peaceful place with fresh air. We don't have much time to enjoy the atmostwhere like this in our current situation. 

Keep busy task away, ignore the noise around us, escape to where we could take a deep breath with fresh air. walking around 2hours to reach our place to camping. Along the way we crossed at night time under the full moon night, who understand that feeling (I will write down my feeling in the next post for the night trekking under the moonlight).


Sunday, June 26, 2022

Chillin night


Normally I don't really like going out at night time to the pub. But because my friend was inviting me to join her drinking. So I went out with her to the place that is classic and has small band perform at night time. 

Salty Resort night view


I had trip with my friend. We chose to stay at Salty resort for relax. 

The trip was not so good as I had booked wrong bus ticket departure time. I was a little bit piss off at that time because I carelessly made wrong selection on booking apps. But we still ended up enjoy our trip even it was not so smooth at first. 

Night time we also could enjoy a drinking in front of our room. We had chit-chat over mid-night with our wine and snacks. It is rare for us to spend time like this with our busy schedule. But then recently we got separate because my friend, she moved to work at other country. 

Hope we could have time like this again someday. 

Sunset at Kep province "Cambodia"

 It is my first to post a video. 

My bestie has capture this view for me because he knew I love to see sunset which I missed to see it many times at the place that I want to go to see it there. 

I just love to see sunset with no reason to tell. It is my favorite time that give me peaceful and empty mind during watching the sun gonna set. Some people might not be understand the feeling but only the one who like to see it who got the meaning of this.