Monday, February 25, 2013

Muffin 1

^_^ Second one

I think in English the same called Muffin because it is round shape.

T__T Sorry that I did not know about this kind of bread. I will learn more about western food. So next time I can post with some description.

Other tried of my friend for baking bread. Round shape look cute and delicious (I got only photo but I also never try it).

I hope he continue baking bread. And also I hope one day can taste it ...kkkkk..... :))



Normally I will describe the way how to baking or cooking anything. But this muffin is western cake so I did not know how to bake it.

These photos from my friend who had talent to baking muffin without learning from school. He can bake muffin but self learning. Actually people, they have their own talent to do anything special without enter the school.

To baking, in my thinking we need to be patience because start from first step till finish, we need to spend long time. And in some cases, they need some special recipe to make it more tasty.

I selected to post this photo because I want to encourage baker to be more confident in baking even by self learn but result was very perfect.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Actually, I have seen it since I was young but I really did not know its name. If after falling rain, it is really beauty. White flower is always beautiful in every season.

Sugar Palm Tree

<Palm fruit>

In Cambodia all of our land is full of palm tree. In Kompong Speu Province, there are a lots of palm tree more than other province in Cambodia.

Palm tree is very useful in every part of their body such root, leaf, fruit and body. Palm leaf, we use for making roof top cover or make basket, net etc..Palm body, we can make traditional boat or can be use house column. It can stay very long time. For their fruit, we can eat fresh or we can make snack like sticky rice with palm fruit and coconut milk with sugar palm. is very delicious. I think Cambodian people like that one and if you never taste it, you can go to market or when you visit other province than ask villagers or your relatives to make you :))
There are much more advantage of palm tree that I can't describe. I hope everyone will be enjoy it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hole Snack

Oh! I like this one and also my co-worker, she also like this one. It made from rice powder. We need to steam it (As in the picture that you see) and after it cooked. We eat it with coconut meat and sugar with sesame seed.

In Phnom Penh City now a day, they sell it with a little bit expensive than other snack. Sometime one of piece is 500Riel. For the average price just only 200Riel or 300 Riel.

Bag, Trash Bin

This kind of material was made by hand. Cambodian people who lived near Komong Chhnang Province who sell it, they said all of them were made by hand and also selling with the cheap price.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Wild Flower

It is wild flower. I have found it during I have family trip to province. At that time, I saw it on the mountain so I think maybe it has only at country side or near by the mountain.