Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sugar Palm Tree

<Palm fruit>

In Cambodia all of our land is full of palm tree. In Kompong Speu Province, there are a lots of palm tree more than other province in Cambodia.

Palm tree is very useful in every part of their body such root, leaf, fruit and body. Palm leaf, we use for making roof top cover or make basket, net etc..Palm body, we can make traditional boat or can be use house column. It can stay very long time. For their fruit, we can eat fresh or we can make snack like sticky rice with palm fruit and coconut milk with sugar palm. is very delicious. I think Cambodian people like that one and if you never taste it, you can go to market or when you visit other province than ask villagers or your relatives to make you :))
There are much more advantage of palm tree that I can't describe. I hope everyone will be enjoy it.

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