Monday, September 14, 2015

Dry Fish

<<River Dry Fish>>

It is such a very delicious breakfast menu for Cambodian people. Breakfast menu is Porridge. Just a very simple porridge with this dry fish is good combination because this dry fish is salty and porridge is blanch taste so it will be tasty when we eat it together.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Cambodian Side dish (Vagetable Pickle)

<<Cambodian Pickle>>

Cambodia is famous with Agriculture because almost 80% of whole country, people can do rice farm or other farm. And as well as, Cambodia has many natural resource. Just a small part of agriculture from picture above, it is pickle which Cambodian people use this way to keep for over a season. As other country, we also have many kinds of pickle but mostly amount all of pickle for every day use, Cambodian people like radish pickle, cucumber pickle and cabbage pickle. Normally, their taste is a little bit salty because to keep for long time eating. But if we eat it, we always put a little bit sugar, garlic and chilli to make it more better taste and delicious. We can say it is good side dish for combine with grill fish and other make other grill meat much delicious. Sometimes, cabbage pickle we can use in soup. The soup, we use ribs to cook with cabbage pickle and put black chilli. Or we can fry it with pork or beef, it is also good.

This pickle, mostly it is very famous with grill fish or eating it alone. Beside that it is not so fit to other menu such as soup or fry with pork.

Cambodia taste is a little bit different from other country. Other country, they like to be salty or blanch taste but Cambodia we would like to put many ingredients to make it taster than other.

Sbeark Theater (Shadow Show)

<<Lakorn Sbaerk>>

First of all, I would like to say that I do love this kind of piece of Khmer art. A very magnificent art and also it use for Cambodia Traditional theater. Currently, young generation does not know this kind of art was exit. As well as it is rare to watch this show because on National Television does not have this theater program. In Cambodian words, we called it "Lakorn Sbaerk". It made from cow skin and carving it into each story character or animal. If compare with foreign country, it is very similar to shadow show. It is different just shadow show, people play the role. But in Lakorn Sbaerk, we use above material plus people holding it and play all the role with a group of classical music.
In my thinking, it would be great if in TV program has show our traditional theater to the young generation to support our culture which ancient people left behind for us.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


<<Cambodia Culture>>

Most of people around the world know Angkor Wat Temple. A very famous temple that is attractive to tourist. The picture above, it is a small piece from Angkor Wat. The art is along the wall that we called Apsara which representative of Cambodia Women during Angkor era. Beside showing dancing posture, Apsara did show to all people many other culture.
I don't know how to describe in detail but in each Apsara, they do have their own style. The way of their dressing, hair style and as well as their jewelry dressing.
Above picture, I met during I visited Angkor Wat Temple. Along the way to enter in each temple, there are many seller and they sell different kind of product. But I had eyes caught with product above. If you guys have chance to visit there, please don't forget to take a look at it and please consider buying it for home decoration.

Cambodia Local Snacks

 <<Nom Slerk Jark>>

Cambodia is small country but it has full of resource and good environment. In each provinces, they have their own traditional local snacks. It has in West of country, there are two provinces that made this snacks. The province that is a long seaside.
This snack has big leaf wrap around small sticky rice. They cooked sticky rice and mix it with coconut meat, and wrap it with one kind of leaf then grill it because this leaf after grill it, it has delicious smell. Normally, they sell a long the national road for travelers. Even, it has small meat but it does has good taste. Cambodian people known that taste well^^

Old Church Building

This is the old church building which built since Cambodia under France Colonial. it was built on the mountain for French people or office came to visit during their duty in Cambodia. Now a day, this church building was​ abandoned long time ago. so inside the building, there is nothing and very empty. But if we look to other point of view, it is such a nice landscape. Only church building is standing alone with the road to its building. It lead to the very romantic place.