Monday, December 10, 2012

Rice Field Crabs

 The crab shell;

In Cambodia, there are two kinds of crab. One kind is living in the rice field, and the other one is living in the sea. The crab lives in the rice field is small but the crab lives in the sea are small and big (with also many kinds of crabs).

This one is the crab which lived in the rice field. Additionally, there are many crabs on the raining season; during farmer did their rice farm. Small children like to caught that crab during raining; it's also make fun for those children.

I ever have experienced caught crab with my sister and relatives. Sometime if you go to rice during raining, you can easy find crab shelter. It look like hole go down to the land but you must be very careful because in those hole we are not sure that only the crab living. Basically, we noticed that in crab hole; there are always crab and snake.

Cambodian people could cook many kind of dish by using crab such as photo above. We just tear crab apart from crab shell and crab meat. In the crab shell has grease which we can mix with sugar, salt and some black pepper than grill it.

Beside crab shell, we still have crab meat/body. To add more tasty, we should roast crab meat/body. You just roast it with putting ingredient. Specially, when you add more green garlic and red pepper. Most of this dish we can use for food or snack. But in special case, we will eat with alcohol. They are the well match with each other.

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