Monday, April 22, 2013


5 years ago when we took this photo. And after that we sent it to my sister so we could received the painting one because my brother in-law, he draw it for us.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

13 Petals

Finally, I have post this one. I remember when I was young during Phcum Ben final day, we have made small lantern than we have decorated it by using this kind of flower because it is easy to find at the countryside. I think there are two kind; one is one layer (like this photo) and other one is multilayer.

It has 13 petals and it is amazing because the yellow around the middle, there are also 13. I just notice when I started to describe about flower petals.

Yellow Flower

 It has been long time since I took this photo :D
But in fact, it just passed two month ago. I worked with volunteers so I have chance to visit many place. So even working, there are also enjoying because there are many new thing I have met such as the way of  people speaking in rural area, new plants that I never seen before and new way of making good relationship between foreigners and local people.

This kind of flower is not the new one for me, but I still can't remember its name because of me when I met, I just passed by it. January-13-2013, is in the middle of dry season in Cambodia, but during November to January is a little bit cool in Cambodia so it would be good for all plants to growing well. I think if compare to foreign country, we call it would be spring (it is the hot season of the solar calendar).

Sunday, April 7, 2013


 <Dragon Fly>

Every evening at my aunt's house, there are many dragonfly because around her house there are some plants which was dead during dry season. Even-though, it was dead but my aunt did not cut it off so it made other good view by tree without leaves. Around 5PM to 6:30PM, there are many dragonfly come to perch everywhere on the tree and it just stand still on the same posture. Usually, the little grand daughter in her house always see it and introduce about it to other guest who visited her house.
That's little grand daughter, she was 1 and half years old. She can't speak now but she tried to use her expression to show the dragonfly to us. It is really interesting because we can't notice it at first sign because dragonfly colors by looking from the far place, it look dark. But once after we noticed, it look great with the other side of point of view.

The reality, there are more than hundred of dragonfly. But I post only some part of it where I can't took photo of it.