Sunday, April 7, 2013


 <Dragon Fly>

Every evening at my aunt's house, there are many dragonfly because around her house there are some plants which was dead during dry season. Even-though, it was dead but my aunt did not cut it off so it made other good view by tree without leaves. Around 5PM to 6:30PM, there are many dragonfly come to perch everywhere on the tree and it just stand still on the same posture. Usually, the little grand daughter in her house always see it and introduce about it to other guest who visited her house.
That's little grand daughter, she was 1 and half years old. She can't speak now but she tried to use her expression to show the dragonfly to us. It is really interesting because we can't notice it at first sign because dragonfly colors by looking from the far place, it look dark. But once after we noticed, it look great with the other side of point of view.

The reality, there are more than hundred of dragonfly. But I post only some part of it where I can't took photo of it.

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