Thursday, October 31, 2013


My dad saw it when he wait mom in front of her office. He saw this caterpillar. It looked very beautiful with green color and big eyes. I don't know it is really caterpillar or not. But I search on internet, it shown that it also has in Thailand.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bomb Fruit

<<Bomb Fruit>>

It is the fruit which is popular currently. I saw many pagoda has it. First, We think it has shape similar to melon so maybe we could eat that fruit. But the people who known it they said that it called Bomb Fruit after they got rip, it will be explode. So if it explodes like this, how can we eat? Maybe it just plant for decorate the environment.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Cambodian Fruit Preserves

<Fruit Preserves>

I ever posted it one time in long time ago. Fruit Preserves is made by local fruit and vegetables. We made it during flood season because during that time, the flood come in the village and some vegetables or fruit will destroy. So we use their fruit to make preserves. And that season, there are many Buddha ceremony so we can use it to serve the guest who join the ceremony. We also sell it.

The popular place to sell this fruit preserves is pagoda. Many people came to join the ceremony so it will be big selling.

Once I heard from my mom, she told me that " During 60th and 70th century, her village made this fruit preserves to the king/queen or royal family/relatives. It is one kind of dessert which both good looking and delicious." But now a day, it is almost disappear and young generation did not know how to do it too.

In first photo, there are many fruits and vegetables mixing. The one look long and green, if it is raw, it is very bitter. Cambodian people use it for combine with rice wine, it would make wine good taste.

Second and third photo are papaya. There are many papaya fruit in one tree so if the flood destroyed it, it would remain papaya fruit so to keep it in long time, we decided to make fruit preserves in two way. One is look like photo, we called it normal fruit preserves and other one is dry fruit preserves that we can keep in long time than normal one.

And to make it more beautiful, before we cook it we also need to decorate those fruit more good looking. Mostly papaya is the easy one for decorate as flower because their meat a little bit thick. Winter melon is easy to decorate too. hmmm....all are easy, accept only one is the long and bitter taste.


It is very easy breakfast for every Cambodian people. Very simple, just grilled pork and fry egg. To make good combination of taste, we also added more cucumber pickle.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Vietnamese Noodle

<Vietnamese Noodle>

The noodle is very same to Cambodian Noodle but they use different ways from Cambodian. My sisters, they like it so much. But for me, I can't finish it even one small dish.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dumpling Noodle

<Noodle Dumpling Soup>

Family's favorite food on weekend. My father, sister and me, we love meat. So the menu we selected, it would be have meat in side. Even we love meat but sometime we also eat vegetarian food :D

This food I think maybe Chinese food. And the ingredients are very similar to Chinese food. I mean the way of cooking and add some special flour. I like this dumpling the most.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cambodian Traditional Cake

During Pchum Ben Day in Cambodia which conduct around 15 days. Cambodian people always make tradition cake for serve the guest or relative come to visit them.

Normally, we made tradition cake on 13th/14th of the celebration day. This traditional cake we called <Nom On Som>. We can add the last word with <Jrok / Jek> it mean the middle of the cake there are pork or banana.

For making cake, we should prepare in advance something such as banana leaf, tie, green bean and sticky rice. Banana leaf should put under the sunshine at least one day. To make it soft and easy to wrap the cake. And previous time, we use banana trunk to make the tie. We can slide banana trunk and put under sunshine too. It is very nature way to make cake but now a day we use plastic tie to tie up the cake. Green bean and sticky rice need to keep in water for one night to be ready for wrap together.

If cake that in side we use pork, we should put sticky rice is the first layer, second layer is green bean and the final one is pork.
<Sticky rice must be add some salt to make it tasty and pork also need to be put some sugar, salt and black peppers>

The first and second photo are cake make with pork. We called "Nom On Som Jrok".

The last photo is banana cake because inside we put banana. For banana cake, we no need to put green bean. And banana cake, there are two way to cook it, one is bold and other one is grilled. I like both style.

**I forget about coconut meat. We need slide coconut meat and mix with sticky rice. So coconut meat will make more delicious both taste and smell.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Cambodia food

Cambodian people always cooked food with all vegetable that easy to find in rural area. I said like this because in countryside, every house, they planted many kind of vegetables which they can use it to cook. It is fresh and without chemical. Cambodian Traditional cheese is Prohok which made by river fish. We can cook Prohok in some menu and can be eat with vegetables.

 One kind of menu that we can eat with raw vegetable or bold vegetable. The first picture is the start of my cooking Cambodia food. Because my mom, she can't eat raw vegetables so we decided to bold all vegetables (But some vegetables we should cook because when we eat raw it would make tasteless).

And to bold it to be delicious. During bold it, we should add a little amount of oil and salt. The oil will make vegetables still look fresh and salt will bring the sweet taste from vegetable. With both combination, it would make good taste.

This menu is called Teuk Kreurng. The main ingredients are fish and fresh vegetable. The sub ingredients are red garlic, white garlic, small eggplant, lemon, and peanuts.

First, we need to cook fish. The small eggplants, red garlic, and white garlic must fry it till their color became a little bit dark brown and we need to put a little bit oil (see the first photo).

 The fish, we need to cook it. It should be after cook, we take out fish bone and grind it. Normally, there are many kinds of river fish but some fishes are delicious for making this menu but some fishes, we can't use for making this menu.

<Grind fish like photo above>

The fourth photo is after fry red garlic, white garlic and small eggplants. We also need some raw garlic to make it tasty. After that all of those must be grind together with peanut before adding fish into it.
Don't forget the secret receipt is Cambodian Prohok. We should put Prohok but before add it. Prohok need to be steam.

We mix grind all together such as red garlic, white garlic, small eggplants, fish and peanuts. After that add Steam Prohok water and put lemon juice. Specially, don't forget add sugar and salt to make it more delicious.

Photo below is the finished one. You need to eat both at the same time. I think some people like spicy food, so feel free to add more red peppers as much as you like.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Cambodian Traditional Noodle

Cambodian Traditional Noodle

Cambodia is the ancient country which there are many thing that very special and unique. Sometime I don't like to be proud about our country because can make other person think negative points. But in some case it should be proud of it.

In photo above, I think if you ever visited Cambodia, you will heard about Cambodian Traditional Noodle. It is Cambodia Noodle which mixed with Yellow Soup (Somlor Broher). The soup is very common in Cambodia cuisine because normally we will use river fish to cook and combine with other flour which we easy to find in local market. The taste and the way of cooking, it is depending on everyone special technique. My mom's cousin, she is really good at cooking.

And the second photo is the same the first photo but it is different soup. The first photo, the color is bright yellow than second photo. Because the second photo, the soup was add more ingredients such as dry red peppers to make it more dark yellow color and sometime it is a little bit spicy than the first one.

We also can put Cambodian Curry to that noodle. It is delicious neither. But the popular is the first one, because it is very suitable with all the taste. We can add all vegetable to make it more tasty with red peppers powders.