Sunday, October 13, 2013

Cambodian Fruit Preserves

<Fruit Preserves>

I ever posted it one time in long time ago. Fruit Preserves is made by local fruit and vegetables. We made it during flood season because during that time, the flood come in the village and some vegetables or fruit will destroy. So we use their fruit to make preserves. And that season, there are many Buddha ceremony so we can use it to serve the guest who join the ceremony. We also sell it.

The popular place to sell this fruit preserves is pagoda. Many people came to join the ceremony so it will be big selling.

Once I heard from my mom, she told me that " During 60th and 70th century, her village made this fruit preserves to the king/queen or royal family/relatives. It is one kind of dessert which both good looking and delicious." But now a day, it is almost disappear and young generation did not know how to do it too.

In first photo, there are many fruits and vegetables mixing. The one look long and green, if it is raw, it is very bitter. Cambodian people use it for combine with rice wine, it would make wine good taste.

Second and third photo are papaya. There are many papaya fruit in one tree so if the flood destroyed it, it would remain papaya fruit so to keep it in long time, we decided to make fruit preserves in two way. One is look like photo, we called it normal fruit preserves and other one is dry fruit preserves that we can keep in long time than normal one.

And to make it more beautiful, before we cook it we also need to decorate those fruit more good looking. Mostly papaya is the easy one for decorate as flower because their meat a little bit thick. Winter melon is easy to decorate too. hmmm....all are easy, accept only one is the long and bitter taste.

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