Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Crabs Menu


This is the country side menu; it is very simple and easy to cook with delicious taste. Err....how to tell about this; hmm... we got it from rice field crabs (it is inside the crabs but not crabs meat). And just put a little bit salt + sugar after that we grilled it. It would bring very good combination taste.

My mom, she was very enjoy with that food. She said when she ate this food, it made her miss her childhood time.

<Fry Crabs>

I heard that it is good for drinking menu. But we also can put it as Pre-menu. It looked like a lie because it is also country menu^^

We use small crabs to make that food and we eat all without take any parts of crabs out.

I ever posted it once last time, but this two photos, they were from different place but same way of cook.

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