Sunday, March 17, 2013

Black Butterfly

On weekend in early morning, I have seen one butterfly which just born from worm. We can see near the butterfly, there is one thing that look similar to worm. That one is the shell of the butterfly before it grows enough.

It is the first time that I have seen something nature which butterfly just leave its shell.

Black butterfly, what does it mean?
Excluding its wing, this butterfly body look like mosquito. Even thought, it is like that but it still look beautiful.

Started from first time I posted photo. There are two photos of butterfly with the same color black. But the shape and size are different.  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Na Kry Flower

 <Evening Time Blossom>

Again for white flower. I have thought that maybe there are a lots of white flower all around Cambodia, But just some cases I don't know their name and some I have known their name.

For this one, Cambodian people recognize it by it smell and it blossom only in evening time.

Our older generation was said that " This kind of flower is resemble to women who work at night time". But actually, it has two meanings. One meaning is good and other one is bad. But it is not bad meaning at all. It just the compare when people doesn't like something. I believed that there is no bad meaning for comparing flower to people who did useless.

Looking back to past half of century, our famous song was sing about women represent to flower which blossom in order from morning to night time. One day, women blossom three times; Morning time, Afternoon time and Evening time.

This flower is represent to evening time blossom for women. It also has very delicious smell (in my thinking like that :))

Next time, I will post Morning Flower and Afternoon Flower.

Bay Kdang Flower

 I ever posted this flower once time when I just started create my blog.

The special reason why I created this blog was because once I took this flower photo during I have family trip, and I found out that they were really look beautiful.
And then I started the idea to create blog which post all flower and traditional material if I have met during I traveled somewhere.

So now finally, I have created this blog with many photos that I took during my working field to province.

The first one I have posted was bright purple color but right now, I have posted two more.

I like the yellow one. It is look pure and fresh for all situation. Even it looks good at the dark color.

Pink one is also good for white people.

I will post more if I meet other color of the same kind flower.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Butterfly Flower

<Butterfly Flower>

Even wing has broken but it still can fly to find beautiful flower. One day in early morning, I saw this crippled butterfly around the flower.

It flew everywhere in the garden. And it visited all flower because at that time, only him who flew around beside that there were no other butterfly.

Very brave crippled butterfly^^

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


In my thinking, this flower is no blossom because it has very thick petals so it is hard to spread their petals.

It grow well in the hot weather. I saw it in the Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Maybe, this plant grow around Cambodia land but it is not attractive to people that why it rarely to have eyes caught with their presence.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Elephant's Trunk Flower

<Elephant's Trunk Flower>

It is a little strange. I just known for the first time because in the reality I don't interest at all in this flower. It is small and look dirty with difficulty to find their beauty. But after taking photo, I found out that they are really beauty. They really hide beauty well, maybe to protect people cutting it.

In fact, it is like grass on the road which no attractive from people. Because many dust on their leaves. But if you look close to their flower and leaves, you will notice their special shape with attractive flower shape with the small size.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cambodia palm juice container

 <Cambodia palm juice container>

In Cambodia, there are many sugar palm tree. And sugar palm tree we can use with variety way. Amount of them, we get juice for; sour juice for drinking because it is like alcohol, and sweet juice for drinking and also can be making sugar.

Mostly in raining season, they did not get water from sugar palm tree because it would be mixing with rain drop and not pure.

To get palm juice, we get it from palm tree flower. And the container, it made of bamboo. It is Cambodian traditional way of container which used to keep water for going far place or putting some juice.

Fire Ginger

 <Fire Ginger>

It it use as medicine for woman who just delivered baby. Our ancient culture after delivery baby, mother should take care well their skin and to be healthy, they need to do follow the rule. And most of all, they used traditional medicine that combine from the skin of wood or other thing such as fire ginger, turmeric, and one kind of ginger which made good skin (I also don't know in English word. Normally Cambodian girls use it to make a good skin color).

This fire ginger flower was growing up from the root so it would be blossomed and appeared from the land.

We don't eat fire ginger. Most of this plant, they planted at countryside. And now a day, there are difficult to find it because it is become unknown for new generation.

I were very happy to meet this fire ginger. I met during I worked at far province in the far district which difficulty for people to visited.

10 O'clock Flower

<10 O'clock Flower>

Is it funny 10 O'clock Flower? kkkkkk.....

I have seen it since I was little. At my primary school terrace and garden. During that time, most of all color is light purple. But now a day there are many color such orange, white and rose color.

Umm.....for the layers of flower petals are hundred layer but the most beautiful color with hundred of layer is white and orange.

Butterfly Flower

<Butterfly Flower>

One layer only, I have eyes caught with this flower in the first sigh. It is really small flower if we did not notice, we can't see.

Its name is Butterfly because their leaves are similar to butterfly wing with dark purple color and flower is light purple color.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Kaffir Lime

<Kaffir Lime>

Kaffir Lime fruit; I known only two ways for using it.

First choice is used like fruit preserves. It is very popular for countryside people during flood season. And now a day, there is rarely to see it on local market because they made it for special Buddhisms ceremony and selling in the short period. Normally, they cooked it with palm sugar and boil it with copper pot to make it become tasty with good quality.

Second choice is to mixing with lemongrass, turmeric, galangal and garlic by using rind of the kaffir lime fruit. Normal size of kaffir lime is small and medium.