Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fire Ginger

 <Fire Ginger>

It it use as medicine for woman who just delivered baby. Our ancient culture after delivery baby, mother should take care well their skin and to be healthy, they need to do follow the rule. And most of all, they used traditional medicine that combine from the skin of wood or other thing such as fire ginger, turmeric, and one kind of ginger which made good skin (I also don't know in English word. Normally Cambodian girls use it to make a good skin color).

This fire ginger flower was growing up from the root so it would be blossomed and appeared from the land.

We don't eat fire ginger. Most of this plant, they planted at countryside. And now a day, there are difficult to find it because it is become unknown for new generation.

I were very happy to meet this fire ginger. I met during I worked at far province in the far district which difficulty for people to visited.

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